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September 14, 2024 All day

Refund Policy: There are no refunds under any circumstances.

Drug Testing: Drug testing by urinalysis. Drug Testing will be a 10% targeted random selection based on the top Dots scores.

Events: Full Power, Push Pull
Bench Only, Deadlift Only – single lift crossovers are ONLY permitted with full power or push pull registration
Category: Raw, Classic Raw

Weigh in Schedule:
Weigh-ins will be by appointment only and links to make an appointment will be sent out closer to the day of the event.
No same-day weigh-ins under any circumstances.

Event Schedule:
Warmup: varies by location
Lifting Begins: varies by location

All competitors will use 25kg Squat Bar, 20kg Power Bar and a 20kg Deadlift Bar

National Event Awards:
Cash prizes will be awarded to the Top 5 male and female finishers by DOTS in both the tested and non-tested divisions. The starting prize pool is $20,000. The final prize pool will be announced at a later date.

Best Lifter Awards will be given in each event (Full Power, Push Pull, BPO, DLO) for both male and female competitors in Junior, Open and Masters classes in each division (Raw or Classic Raw) where 5 or more competitors finish with a total.

Local Event Awards:
Open: 1st – 3rd place in each weight class
Junior 13-15, 16-17, 18-19, 20-23: 1st – 3rd place in each weight class and age group
Submaster 35-39: 1st – 3rd place in each weight class
Master 40-44, 45-49, etc.: 1st – 3rd place in each weight class and age group.

Qualifier For:
Any IPL Competition or USPA National Level Competition with the necessary qualifying total during the appropriate qualifying period.

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