Transform Coaching | Propel Athletes

Coach to Victory

The Ultimate Powerlifting Coaching Program to Transform Athletes and Dominate the Competition.


Why This is The Best of the Best

Harness the proven powerlifting strategies that produce unparalleled results. With the USPA Coach Certification Course, you’ll gain access to a comprehensive 9-chapter program that elevates your coaching skills to new heights. Become a sought-after expert in the field and revolutionize your approach to coaching powerlifting athletes.



What Do You Get?

By enrolling in the USPA Coach Certification Course, you will receive:

Two hours of NSCA continuing credits for professional development

Elevate your professional development and credentials with our USPA Coach Certification Course. We are proud to offer two valuable hours of continuing education credits accredited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). These credits are a testament to the quality and relevance of our course, demonstrating your commitment to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of the industry. Expand your knowledge while enhancing your professional standing with this recognized certification.

Comprehensive course materials and practical examples for real-life coaching scenarios

Our course materials are carefully curated to give you a solid foundation in powerlifting coaching. You'll receive detailed modules that delve into topics such as needs analysis, nutrition optimization, exercise classification, programming, and coaching on meet day. Each module is packed with valuable insights, strategies, and real-life examples to help you navigate various coaching scenarios.


Kyle Young

Learn from the best in the field with our team of expert instructors from Kabuki Strength, led by renowned authority Kyle Young. With over a decade of experience in powerlifting coaching and a track record of success, Kyle is dedicated to empowering coaches like you to excel in their careers.


Benefit from Kyle’s wealth of experience, honed expertise, and unwavering passion for helping coaches reach new heights. His extensive background in powerlifting, martial arts, and MMA brings a unique perspective to the USPA Coach Certification Course. Kyle’s commitment to continuous improvement and his drive to set new records will inspire and motivate you throughout the course.


As you learn from Kyle, you’ll gain invaluable knowledge and skills that will set you apart as a USPA-certified coach. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock your coaching potential under the guidance of Kyle Young, a true leader in the world of powerlifting coaching.


Brandon Morgan

Brandon Morgan, the Director of Education at Kabuki Strength, is a renowned educator specializing in strength and conditioning. With a background in exercise science, Brandon has developed research-based continuing education programs for athletes of all levels.

Formerly a national-level wrestler, Brandon’s athletic journey transitioned seamlessly into powerlifting, where he achieved elite status with a raw bench press exceeding 500 pounds.

Starting as an intern at Kabuki Strength, Brandon quickly rose to prominence by creating viral content on social media and designing comprehensive continuing education courses. Today, he leads a team of educators who inspire millions to expand their knowledge and practical skills in the weight room and on the field.


Brandon Morgan

Brandon Morgan, the Director of Education at Kabuki Strength, is a renowned educator specializing in strength and conditioning. With a background in exercise science, Brandon has developed research-based continuing education programs for athletes of all levels.

Formerly a national-level wrestler, Brandon’s athletic journey transitioned seamlessly into powerlifting, where he achieved elite status with a raw bench press exceeding 500 pounds.

Starting as an intern at Kabuki Strength, Brandon quickly rose to prominence by creating viral content on social media and designing comprehensive continuing education courses. Today, he leads a team of educators who inspire millions to expand their knowledge and practical skills in the weight room and on the field.



Each chapter of the USPA Coach Certification Course is meticulously designed to provide you with practical knowledge, valuable insights, and proven strategies to elevate your coaching expertise in the world of powerlifting.

Discover the power of data analysis and learn how to extract valuable insights from your clients. Explore key areas such as lifestyle history, injury history, and training availability to optimize your coaching approach.

Unlock the secrets of protein synthesis, body composition, and effective nutrition strategies. Gain the knowledge needed to guide your athletes towards optimal performance and long-term success.

Dive into the complexities of cutting, weight manipulation, and refueling techniques. Learn when and how to implement these methods to help your athletes achieve their goals safely and effectively.

Master the art of coaching the squat, focusing on performance points, common faults, and proper setup techniques. Develop the skills to enhance your athletes’ squatting abilities and maximize their overall performance.

Gain in-depth knowledge of coaching the bench press, including key performance points and effective fixes for common faults. Learn the sequential multi-step setup process to optimize your athletes’ bench press performance.

Explore the nuances of coaching the deadlift, covering both sumo and conventional styles. Discover techniques to improve mechanics, address major faults, and implement a proven setup process.

Reframe your thinking on periodization and exercise selection. Understand the concept of force vectors and learn how to prioritize exercises for better training blocks and overall program effectiveness.

Take a deep dive into programming methodologies and long-term planning. Explore real-life examples and learn how to tailor training plans for different types of lifters, including top-level lifters, masters lifters, beginners, and those recovering from injuries.

Fine-tune your meet day coaching skills by uncovering commonly missed details and optimizing warm-up strategies. Learn to effectively communicate with your athletes and create an environment conducive to success.


Ready To Enroll?

With expert instruction, comprehensive materials, and exclusive benefits, you’ll be equipped to transform athletes’ lives and dominate the powerlifting arena. Enroll today and unleash your coaching potential!



The course is designed to provide comprehensive training in powerlifting coaching. It consists of 9 chapters, and the total video content amounts to over 20 hours. However, the course is self-paced, so you have the flexibility to learn and progress through the material at a pace that suits your schedule.

There are no specific prerequisites for enrolling in the USPA Coach Certification Course. However, a passion for powerlifting and a genuine interest in coaching are beneficial. The course covers essential concepts and techniques from the ground up, ensuring that you acquire the necessary knowledge to become an effective powerlifting coach.

Yes, upon completion of the USPA Coach Certification Course, you will have ongoing access to the course materials. This means you can revisit specific chapters, review important concepts, and refresh your knowledge whenever needed. We believe in providing continued support and resources to help you excel in your coaching journey.

Yes, the course is designed to cater to coaches at all levels of experience, including beginners. Whether you’re just starting your coaching journey or have prior knowledge in the field, the course provides comprehensive training to enhance your skills and knowledge in powerlifting coaching. It covers fundamental concepts as well as advanced techniques, ensuring that you gain valuable insights regardless of your starting point.

Yes, upon successfully completing the USPA Coach Certification Course and passing the final 100-question exam, you will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate serves as recognition of your dedication and expertise in powerlifting coaching, further enhancing your professional credentials.

Yes, we are proud to offer two hours of continuing education credits accredited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). These credits are a valuable addition to your professional development and demonstrate your commitment to staying updated in the field. By completing the USPA Coach Certification Course, you’ll enhance your credentials and showcase your dedication to ongoing learning.

Yes, you can start the USPA Coach Certification Course at any time. Our online platform allows for instant access to the course materials once you enroll. This means you can begin your learning journey whenever it suits you best. Enjoy the flexibility to learn at your own pace and progress through the chapters at a speed that aligns with your schedule.