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USPA Drug Tested American Cup, Los Angeles Fit Expo, Los Angeles, California

January 14, 2023 January 15, 2023

Sanction#: 23-47266
Event Landing Page: https://events.uspa.net/drug-tested-american-cup-2023

Limited to 90 lifters using two platforms

Refund Policy:
No Refunds. You can use your credit to transfer to another meet directed by Steve Denison in 2023.       

State and National records can be set in all age groups.

This is an Open Class event only for competition reasons. There are no junior, submaster or master divisions. 

Drug Testing:
Drug Testing will be limited to 10% of all athletes based on a combination of random selection and targeted top Dots scores.

Hotel information: Link

Events: Full Power only
Category: Raw only
Division: Open Class only

Lifting Schedule:
Saturday, January 14, 2023
All Women and Men through 75kg

Sunday, January 15, 2023
Men 82.5kg through 140kg+

Warmup: 9:00am
Lifting Begins: 10:00am

Weigh in Schedule:
Friday, January 13, 2023
All Women and Men through 75kg

Saturday, January 14, 2023
Men 82.5kg through 140kg+

Weigh-in/Gear check:
10:00am to 12:15pm and 4:00pm to 5:30pm. Weigh-ins by appointment only.

Cash Payouts:

Best Male by formula
1st Place: $750
2nd Place: $500
3rd Place: $250

Best Female lifter by formula
1st Place: $750
2nd Place: $500
3rd Place: $250

2023 Drug Tested National Championship with a Class 1 total. June/July, Las Vegas, NV
2023 National Championship with a Class 1 total. July 20-23, Orange Beach, Alabama
2023 Drug Tested IPL North American Championship with a Class 1 total. Oct 19-22, Columbus, OH
2023 North American Championship with a Class 1 total. October/November, Las Vegas, NV
2023 Drug Tested IPL World Championship with a Class 1 total. Oct/Nov, TBD
2023 IPL World Championship with a Master total. Oct/Nov TBD

1201 South Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90015 United States