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USPA Drug Tested New Mexico State Championship Days of Valor, Las Cruces, New Mexico

November 12, 2022 All day

USPA Sanction: 22-38541
Full Power, Bench Only, Deadlift Only, Push Pull

Raw, Classic Raw, Single Ply
Limited to 60 lifters

Refund policy: Refunds are only provided if the meet fills up and there is a waiting list and we can replace your slot. You would then be refunded the entry fee minus a $25 admin cancellation fee. Entry fees are not transferrable to another meet or person.

Drug Testing: Drug Testing by urinalysis.  Drug Testing will be a 10% targeted selection based on the top DOTs scores.

Weigh-in & Equipment Check: Friday from 9am-11:00am and 4:30pm-6:30pm

No Same day weigh-ins. 

Rules Briefing/Warmup: Saturday, 8 AM

Lifting Begins: Saturday, 9 AM 

Qualifier for 2023 Drug Tested National Championship with a Class 1 total. June/July, Las Vegas, NV

Qualifier for 2023 National Championship with a Class 1 total. July 18-23, Orange Beach, Alabama

Qualifier for 2023 IPL North American Championship with a Class 1 total, Oct/Nov, Las Vegas, NV

Qualifier for 2023 Drug Tested IPL North American Championship with a Class 1 total, Oct 19-22, Columbus, Ohio

Qualifier for 2023 Drug Tested IPL World Championship with a Class 1 total. Date and location TBA

Qualifier for 2023 IPL World Championship with a Master total. Date and location TBA


700 Stern Dr.
Las Cruces, NM 88005 United States

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