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USPA Tested 2024 Metroflex Winter Classic Powerlifting Meet, Hawaiian Gardens, California

December 15, 2024 All day

Sanction#: 24-30599

Limited to 60 lifters

Refund Policy: No refunds unless the meet is sold out and there is someone to take your place. You will then be charged a $25 fee off your registration refund.

Registration closes: November 22, 2024

Drug Testing: Drug testing by urinalysis. Drug Testing will be a 10% targeted random selection based on the top Dots scores.

Events: Full Power, Bench Only, Deadlift Only
Category: Raw, Classic Raw, Single Ply

Weigh in Schedule:
Saturday – 9:00 am to 10:30 am or 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
No same-day weigh-ins under any circumstances.

Event Schedule:
Warmup: 8:00 am
Lifting Begins: 9:00 am

We will be using Texas Power Bars and Racks
All Women and Men up to 75kg will use the 20kg Power Bar
All Men 82.5kg to SHW will use the 25kg Squat Bar
Everyone will use the 20kg Deadlift Bar

Please respect the gym’s equipment, floors, walls and restrooms. You will be held responsible for your actions.

Open: 1st – 3rd place in each weight class
Junior 13-15, 16-17, 18-19, 20-23: 1st – 3rd place in each weight class and age group
Submaster 35-39: 1st – 3rd place in each weight class
Master 40-44, 45-49, etc.: 1st – 3rd place in each weight class and age group.
Best Lifter: Awards given to each qualified lifter with 5 or more competitors in their class.

Qualifier For:
Any IPL Competition or USPA National Level Competition with the necessary qualifying total during the appropriate qualifying period.

(562) 833-5956

12551 E Carson St
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 United States