Simply put, DOTS is a formula used to gauge a lifters’ strength via bodyweight, age, equipment category, etc. compared with their total weight lifted. DOTS is the criteria used for lifter rankings within the USPA.
Lifters who are qualified with their DOTS/qualifying periods will be sent invites and registration links from the USPA National Office via Instagram or email. If you don’t receive an invite (ie. your contact information isn’t available on, and you would like to request one, you can reach out to Tyler Van Loon at
No. Drug tested events only qualify you for drug tested events, and non-tested events for non-tested events.
Yes, State, National and IPL World Records can be broken at All Stars events.
As of December 2023, All Stars at both 2024 Nationals will be our inaugural events, with multiple All Stars events planned for 2025 and following years (this is subject to potentially change).
As of December 2023, All Stars events are planned to be Open Raw Full Power Only (this is subject to potentially change).
Our plan is to have both drug tested and non-tested divisions at All Stars events.
Yes, All Stars events may be qualified for with the correct DOTS scores within the qualifying period from any drug tested/non-tested meet within the U.S., respectively. Meets from outside the U.S. will not be recognized for qualifying for All Stars events.
Lifters will be allowed to crossover into non-Open age categories for records purposes, but post-meet rankings will only recognize Open for ranking/award purposes.
You can email Tyler Van Loon at
At the moment, yes, All Stars events are Open Raw Full Power only. That can change in the future!
Yes. All Stars competitors will be included in overall meet rankings, and can win their weight class.
No, a qualifying DOTS within the qualifying period is required to register.