Become A Volunteer

Volunteer Application

We are thrilled that you are interested in volunteering with us! As an organization dedicated to promoting and advancing the sport of powerlifting, we value the time and effort of our volunteers in achieving this mission.

Please note that the background check is a mandatory requirement for all USPA volunteers. Instructions on how to complete the background check will be provided after you submit this application. 

We appreciate your interest in volunteering with us and look forward to reviewing your application. Your contributions as a volunteer will help us enhance the quality of our events and strengthen the powerlifting community.

Frequently Asked Questions

The USPA covers the cost of background checks for officials, while coaches are responsible for their own fees.

The timeframe for obtaining results can range from 10 minutes to more than three days.

Failing to complete a criminal background check will result in the individual being marked as inactive.

Applicants are categorized as either “clear” or “consider”. “Clear” applicants are immediately approved. If it indicates “consider”, the application may be approved, declined, or submitted to the Executive Committee for review.

The National Office staff will review reports marked as “consider” and bring any concerning reports to the committee chair for further discussion.

No, background checks do not generate an inquiry on an individual’s credit record and therefore do not impact credit scores.

A criminal background check will reveal any crimes that were prosecuted.

Any appeals or challenges to the results of a criminal background check must be adjudicated in court by the applicant before the USPA will reconsider the findings of the background check.

USPA Volunteer Application Form

This form is required by all USPA volunteers who would like to be considered for the volunteer positions stated herein. This application form is step 1 of a 2-step process. In step 2, applicants will be required to submit a background check. Instructions on how to complete the background check will be provided after you submit this application. Please note that the background check is a mandatory requirement for all USPA volunteers.
Position for which you are volunteering:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Have you lived at the above address for less than 5 years?(Required)
Are you First Aid certified?(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you CPR certified?(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Do you have any other certifications?
Have you ever been refused participation in any youth programs?(Required)
Do you have any physical or mental conditions that may prevent you from performing the duties described in your volunteer application?(Required)
Other than minor traffic violations, have you ever been convicted of any violation of the law?(Required)

USPA Code of Conduct

The United States Powerlifting Association (USPA) is committed to providing an inclusive, professional, and safe environment to its members and has adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination and all forms of harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment. USPA members are prohibited from engaging in behavior or publishing material that, at the sole discretion of the USPA, is offensive or interferes with the rights of others or causes harm to any person or entity. Violating our rules of conduct may result in termination of membership, forfeiture of any membership fees that have been paid, and prohibition from attending or participating in any USPA sanctioned events.

Members include all participating athletes, meet directors, referees, certified coaches, or other officials and/or employees. All members are expected to treat each other with respect and dignity while upholding the integrity and professional standards of the USPA. All members are expected to observe all association rules as currently stated in the USPA Rule Book and adhere to the following principles: Discrimination.

There will be no unlawful discrimination based upon a person’s sex, sexual orientation, age, race, color, creed, national origin, veteran status, marital status, religion, political affiliation, disability, perceived disability, personal appearance or any other legally protected characteristic. Harassment.

Any form of harassment towards others that is illegal, threatening, harmful, abusive or otherwise objectionable will not be tolerated. This includes behaving, communicating, or publishing material that invades another’s privacy, is degrading, defamatory, hateful, fraudulent, libelous, obscene, sexually explicit, or is ethnically objectionable.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment will not be tolerated and includes unwelcome sexual solicitation, physical touching, transmission of offensive sexually graphic images or written material, or any conduct that’s sexual in nature that’s abusive, offensive, and intimidating. A member’s conduct will be considered unwelcome and in violation of the USPA Code of Conduct when the member should have known the conduct was unwelcome, or when the persons (s) subjected to the conduct objected.

Clear Signature