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USPA Hawthorne’s Southern Elite Classic, Biloxi, Mississippi

June 11, 2022 All day

Limited to 60 lifters
Entry deadline is May 20, 2022. No entries will be accepted after this date.

Refund Policy: Refunds are only provided if the meet fills up and there is a waiting list and we can replace your slot. You would then be refunded the entry fee minus a $10 admin cancellation fee. Entry fees are not transferrable to another meet or person and no refunds will be given closer than 2 weeks out from the meet date.

Meet Director: Reese Allemore
Email: [email protected]
Phone:  (504) 952-0115

Start time: 9am Saturday

Events: bench only, deadlift only, PushPull
Category: Raw, Single Ply, Multi Ply

Weigh-in & Equipment Check
Friday from 9am-11am and 4pm-6pm
at Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum and Convention Center

If we have not heard from you by 5pm on Friday, you will be removed from the meet.
Saturday morning weigh-ins are NOT allowed.

Rules Briefing/Warmup: Saturday, 8 AM
Lifting Begins: Saturday, 9 AM

Qualifier for 2022 National Championship with a Class 1 total. July 7-10, Las Vegas, NV

Qualifier for 2022 IPL World Championship with a Master level total. Oct 20-23, Orange Beach, Alabama

Qualifier for 2022 North American Championship with a Class 1 total. Nov 17-20, Oklahoma City, OK

Men’s and Women’s Classification chart: https://uspa.net/classification-standards.html


June 11, 2022


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