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2024 IPL Drug Tested World Championship, Las Vegas, Nevada

November 14 November 17

Sanction#: 241114

Limited to 120 lifters per day

Refund Policy: No refunds, no transfers.

Registration Opens: May 22, 2024

Drug Testing: Drug testing by urinalysis. Drug Testing will be a 10% targeted random selection based on the top Dots scores.

Events: Full Power, Bench Only, Deadlift Only
Category: Raw, Classic Raw, Single Ply

Weigh in Schedule:
Daily: 8:30 am to 10:30 am and 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm.
No same-day weigh-ins under any circumstances.
Event Schedule: TBA

Hotel Accommodations:

Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino
129 Fremont Street Experience
Las Vegas, 89101

Click here to book your hotel online. Deadline to book a room is October 13, 2024.
When booking reservations over the phone, mention the following group code: GSIPL24

Qualifying Information: You must achieve a Class 1 total from an IPL affiliate drug tested event or a USPA drug tested event during the period from October 1, 2023 to October 27, 2024.

You must have a current USPA membership as well as an IPL membership.

Open and Age Groups: 1st – 3rd place in each weight class
Best Lifter: Awards given to each qualified lifter with 5 or more competitors in their class.

129 Fremont Street Experience
Las Vegas, NV 89101 United States

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