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USPA Good Company Classic, Sacramento, California

September 11, 2022 All day

-Sanction#: 22-2296
Limited to 60 lifters
Refund Policy: No refunds unless there is a paid lifter to take your spot. If you receive a refund, there will be a $20 processing fee subtracted from your entry fee. If you have paid for crossover events, these items will be refunded without fees being charged. There will absolutely no refunds after August 21, 2022

Please keep in mind the registration is only for the meet.  You will still need to be a member of the USPA.  Memberships will NOT be sold at the meet. 

Meet Director: Martin Olivera
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (209) 614-0174

Events: Full Power, Bench only, Deadlift only, PushPull
Gear Category: Raw, Classic Raw

Start time: 9am

Weighin SCHEDULE: ————— Saturday- 9:00AM-11:00AM & 4:00PM-5:30PM 

Rules meeting at 8am and lifting will start at 9am on Sunday. 

Awards info/comments:
Cash prizes for Best Lifters and awards

Qualifier for 2022 IPL World Championship with a Master total. Oct 20-23, Orange Beach, Alabama

Qualifier for 2022 Drug Tested IPL World Championship with a Class 1 total. October 27-30, Gold Coast,  Australia

Qualifier for 2022 Drug Tested IPL North American Championship with a Class 2 total. Nov 3-6, St Louis, MO

Qualifier for 2022 IPL North American Championships with a Class 1 total. Nov 17-20, Oklahoma City, OK

Qualifier for 2023 National Championship with a Class 1 total. July 18-23, Orange Beach, Alabama

Qualifier for 2023 Drug Tested National Championship with a Class 2 total. July, Las Vegas

Men’s and Women’s Classification chart: https://uspa.net/classification-standards.html


September 11, 2022
2010 3rd St
Sacramento, CA 95818 United States


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